This year’s recently announced American Physical Society (APS) Fellows include five scientists from Berkeley Lab, two from the Materials Sciences Division and one each from the Accelerator and Fusion Research, Nuclear Science, and Engineering divisions. APS Fellows are elected by their peers for “exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise; e.g., outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education.”

The class of 2013 includes:

Paul Fallon, Nuclear Science, for use of gamma ray spectroscopic techniques to elucidate the behavior of atomic nuclei at the limits of existence, from the investigation of super-deformation at the highest angular momentum to studies of weakly bound states in light systems approaching the neutron drip-line.

Stephen Holland, Engineering, for the invention of the fully-depleted charge-coupled devices (CCDs) whose extended near-infrared sensitivity enables imaging and spectroscopic surveys of the universe, detecting light that was emitted billions of years ago. This technology has also enabled new x-ray and gamma-ray instrumentation.

Jeffrey Neaton, Materials Sciences, for fundamental contributions to the understanding of phase behavior, electronic structure, and transport properties of condensed matter, particularly multiferroics, nanostructures, and materials for energy conversion and storage.

Fernando Sannibale, Accelerator and Fusion Research, for contributions to the understanding of coherent synchrotron radiation in storage rings and the development of high brightness electron beam sources.

Robert Schoenlein, Materials Sciences, for seminal contributions to ultrafast science using lasers and synchrotron radiation.

For a full list, see:

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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab’s scientific expertise has been recognized with 13 Nobel prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. For more, visit