The U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is offering a special tour to photographers on Wednesday, May 16, during a local event that is part of a Global Physics Photowalk 2018 competition. Follow @BerkeleyLab and #LBNLphotowalk online for updates on the local event.
Berkeley Lab is among several physics facilities around the world that are welcoming amateur and professional photographers to see groundbreaking science behind the scenes.
To register to participate in Berkeley Lab’s Physics Photowalk, please read the criteria for participation and complete the online registration form by Friday, March 30. Space is limited, and registration does not guarantee your participation. A Berkeley Lab Physics Photowalk organizer will contact all approved participants by Friday, April 6, and provide more details about the event.
Berkeley Lab’s Photowalk coincides with the International Day of Light, which is recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as “an annual focal point for the continued appreciation of light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy.” This international day also marks an anniversary for laser technology.
Participants in the Berkeley Lab Photowalk must be at least 18 years old, and Berkeley Lab employees, affiliates, and contractors are not eligible to participate.
The Berkeley Lab Photowalk event will be limited to five photo entries per photographer, and will feature a luncheon with Berkeley Lab scientists and the possibility of competing in the national and international competitions. Also, a selection of photos from the local competition will be displayed at a local science center.
The top three photos selected at Berkeley Lab will be entered into a national competition, and the winning national photos will be submitted to a global judging panel. The Global Physics Photowalk 2018 is organized by the Interactions Collaboration and supported by the Royal Photographic Society.
The global shortlist of photos selected in the national competitions will be announced in August, followed by a public vote.
Confirmed participants in other Photowalk events include CERN – the home of the world’s largest particle collider, the Large Hadron Collider – as well as other laboratories and science research facilities in the U.S., Australia, Canada, China, Italy, and the U.K.
Mark Richardson, chair of the Royal Photographic Society’s Science Committee, said, “This is a fantastic celebration of the stunning beauty of science on an international scale. The world’s best scientific research is based on international collaboration, a worldwide melting pot of expertise and technologies, each working for the benefit of our global society and economy.”
He added, “The Photowalk is a rare opportunity to capture work behind the scenes at the world’s best international laboratories, frame by frame.”
- Register online to participate in Berkeley Lab’s Photowalk event. The deadline to register is March 30, 2018.
- View the criteria for participating in Berkeley Lab’s Photowalk event.
- View a selection of winning images from a previous Photowalk competition in 2015.
- Follow @BerkeleyLab and #LBNLphotowalk online for updates.
- More info on the Global Physics Photowalk 2018.
List of Participating Science Labs and Facilities, Global Physics Photowalk 2018 (Note: Space is limited, and registration is not a guarantee for participation)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Illinois
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California
- Sanford Underground Research Facility, South Dakota
- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California
Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory
Institute of High Energy Physics
- Frascati National Laboratories
- Southern National Laboratories
- Legnaro National Laboratories
- Daresbury Laboratory
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Chilbolton Observatory
- UK Astronomy Technology Centre
- Boulby Underground Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab’s scientific expertise has been recognized with 13 Nobel Prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. For more, visit
DOE’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit
The Interactions Collaboration ( seeks to support the international science of particle physics and to set visible footprints for peaceful collaboration across all borders. The website was developed and is jointly maintained by the Interactions Collaboration, whose members represent the world’s particle physics laboratories and institutions in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, with funding provided by science funding agencies from many nations.
The Royal Photographic Society is a registered charity, supported by its 11,600 members. Founded in 1853, to promote the art and science of photography, its objectives today are to educate members of the public, promote the highest standards, and to encourage the public appreciation of photography. It does this through public events and activities, exhibitions, and its educational activities. See