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A composite image with server racks on both sides, illuminated by bright light. The floor displays binary code. Exterior of a school building. Aerial photograph of the FLEXLAB complex Person with short gray hair wearing glasses and a navy suit with a collared shirt, posing inside of a lab, next to the UV Waterworks device resting on a table. Heat wave over a city skyline. Artistic representation of a smart home School buildings with solar panels installed on the roofs. Cityscape in the background. Collage of transit, highways, solar panels, factories, homes, and a sunrise over a prairie. Two women standing at opposite sides of a colorful sewing room. Digital illustration of the world outlined in green against a dark background, with various renewable energy icons and numbers floating around. Illustration depicting a city connected to a geothermal aquifer system. Graphic collage depicting an air conditioning unit, the earth, a spilled salt container, an arm spraying an aerosol can, and various ions and arrows in front of a orange and blue gradient background.