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Members of science team lined-up in a water tank after the outer detector installation. Collection of three side-by-side headshots Photomultiplier tubes, designed to pick up faint light signals from particle interactions, line the inside of a detector for the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino experiment. CUORE scientists Dr. Paolo Gorla (LNGS, left) and Dr. Lucia Canonica (MIT, right) inspect the CUORE cryogenic systems. Experimental hall of the KATRIN experiment showing the main spectrometer from the front. The outside rings are air-coil magnets used to compensate for the earth's magnetic field. Photo - A new study has found that a share of particles that has gone missing is most likely located at the distant bounds of galaxy haloes. The study found some of these particles of baryonic matter located about 6 million light-years from their galactic centers. This color-rendered image shows the halo of the Andromeda galaxy, which is the Milky Way’s largest galactic neighbor. (Credit: NASA) A collage of a telescope over a orange, star-filled sky A tabletop covered in a collage of LBNL historic photos and schematics. Celebratory cake