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Six circles depicting different scenes: wind turbines, hydrogen element, solar farm, hydrogen tank, scientists, and a hydrogen fueled car. Worms eye view of an industrial development obscured by blades of grass. Two women standing at opposite sides of a colorful sewing room. Environmental technology concept image. Various environmentally focused icons are placed overtop of a green and blue tinted city-scape. Graphic illustration depicting five separate illustrations. Artist’s rendering of a copper nanoparticle life cycle during CO2 electrolysis: Copper nanoparticles (left) combine into larger metallic copper “nanograins” (right) within seconds of the electrochemical reaction, reducing CO2 into new multicarbon products. A birds view of smoke stacks with smoke obstructing the view of the sun. Diagram of carbon dioxide being converted into solar fuels through artificial photosynthesis. Spring snowmelt in the Ansel Adams Wilderness of the California Sierra Nevada against a setting sky. Conceptual painting depicting celestial purple orbs of varying sizes connected with stretching strands. White strands extend from the left side of the photo all the way to the right against a black background, with figures of molecules overlaid on top. Hand plugs in a blue electric car with reflections of wind turbines.