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Artistic representation of a smart home An artistic rendering of lipid nanoparticles showing multiple layers that take on different molecular arrangements, giving the particle varying properties. School buildings with solar panels installed on the roofs. Cityscape in the background. Lori Zscherpel, a person with shoulder-length gray hair wearing red framed glasses and a red top against a dark leafy background. Ilustration of snowcapped mountains in the rain, with gray clouds above. Two scientists wearing safety goggles, lab coats, and gloves, working at the Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit. 2023 Cyclotron Road fellows: (top row) Drew Lilley, Julian Rees, Will Liberti; (middle row) Michelle Lu, Nieves Martinez Marshall, Nate Good, Jared O'Leary; (bottom row) Jyoti Taneja, Palak Jain, Patricia McNeil. Sorghum plants in a field with blue skies in the background. Griffith Park brush wildfire and the Woolsey fire in California. Christina Castanha, a person wearing a light colored hat, green shirt, and brown pants, collecting soil samples outdoors for a deep-soil warming experiment. An illustration of a glowing orb of light near a shadowed forest floor, with small leaves illuminated by the orb A 3D map of space, with streams of light pointing in different directions from a central focal point. Researchers took detailed images in 20 different directions on the sky, creating a 3D map of 700,000 objects and covering roughly 1% of the total volume DESI will study.