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Digital illustration with a dark background featuring five quantum-related scenes. A digital illustration showing red virus particles each with a geometrically shaped capsule, stalk, and leg-like appendages attached to the surface of a green bacterium. Digital illustration of the world outlined in green against a dark background, with various renewable energy icons and numbers floating around. Illustration depicting a city connected to a geothermal aquifer system. Composite image of a scientist sitting in the grass overlaid on a teal graphic. Collage of two images. From left: Darleane Hoffman, Gabor Somorjai. Person with white hair wearing glasses and a white collared shirt smiles for a photo in front of a white and black building. Environmental technology concept image. Various environmentally focused icons are placed overtop of a green and blue tinted city-scape. A vial containing brightly colored shapes representing molecules sits on a beige surface next to empty blue vials Two scientists wearing lab coats, gloves, and eye protection, working in a lab. View of a city with passing car light trails on the highways, lined with trees and greenery on either side. Commercial buildings line the far sides of the highway. A digital illustration showing red virus particles each with a geometrically shaped capsule, stalk, and leg-like appendages attached to the surface of a green bacterium.